Saturday, April 30, 2011

Avid Rant : Premature Rating Syndrom

Premature Rating Syndrome

You all are probably wondering what the heck I am talking about, but while I was reading Playing Hurt this weekend (review will be out next week) I realized I had been struck by PRS!

PRS should not be taken lightly, it can cause unjust prejudice and hard to overcome judgments. A unbeknownst to myself I have been struggling with it for a while now without even knowing.

Premature Rating Syndrome is a disease that affects the mind of a blogger causing him or her to rate (in their heads) a book before they have even finished reading it. I find this happens to me alot. Maybe its because I know myself so well, or maybe because the book is predictable and I think I know where its heading, but usually by the middle I know whether the book is 1,2,3,4,or 5 stars before I sit and write my review.

Now, do I change my mind while reading? Yes, sometimes I do, but for the most part I stick with my ratings. And then I had another realization (there was alot of realizing this weekend) I am not rating the book based on how good it is, I am rating my experience reading it. Yes I do have my other ratings based on plot, writing style, characters....and those are more of a testament to how I feel about the book, but my overall rating is how I felt while reading the book. So maybe having PRS isn't such a bad thing. I know what I like and what I don't like.

So fellow bloggers I come to you seeking advice: Do you have PRS? What do you do to combat it? Maybe the only way to fight it is to take out the rating system. I think for now I shall keep it though, as long as I try to maintain an open mind while reading =)


Bookish Brunette said...

I'm totally guilty! LOVE this post!

I don't feel bad though... Because I specifically state that my reviews are based on my thoughts and feeling toward the book and how I felt while reading it!

Bookish Brunette said...

I'm totally guilty! LOVE this post!

I don't feel bad though... Because I specifically state that my reviews are based on my thoughts and feeling toward the book and how I felt while reading it!

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